Catalyst Editorial Director, Dr Jane Alfred, is a professional editor and trainer, who provides training to editors and journal teams in STEM publishing.

Contact us for training on

Publication ethics - for editors and research integrity teams


How to commission reviews


Addressing unconscious bias in peer review and in editorial decision making


How to developmentally edit review-type articles


Training tailored to your needs

Jane offers a range of training approaches, in person (where possible) and online, to meet your training needs. Training can be provided as webinars or seminars, as discussion-based training workshops, as guided discussions, or in the form of one-to-one training. 

Group training typically incorporates presentations, discussions, reflective exercises, opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, and case studies.

If your staff need expert training on publication ethics, peer review, or on how to tackle complex ethical issues or unconscious bias in editorial processes, then contact Catalyst Editorial to find out more about the tailored training that we can provide.

Please also visit our Case Studies page to see what our clients say about our training.

Let us help you to develop a bespoke training programme that will meet your staff’s needs.


Editorial services

Jane is an experienced professional editor, who provides freelance editorial support to a range of scholarly scientific publishers. Please see our Editorial Services page to find out more about the editorial support we can provide.


How we work:
Our values and what you can expect

Jane brings expertise, professionalism, integrity and a personable approach to her work as a trainer. As an experienced trainer and editor, she knows how important it is that training is tailored to meet the specific needs of your journal’s staff and editorial teams, and to reflect your journals’ policies and processes.


As such, you can expect Jane to:

  • Work closely with your training team to develop a programme that is tailored to your journals’ editorial processes and policies;

  • Adapt training to match the different roles and experience levels of the staff being trained;

  • Tailor training to strengthen your staff’s skills in handling complex ethics cases;

  • Use her expertise to devise bespoke training materials;

  • Ensure that training is up to date and reflects current practices and standards;

  • Improve the knowledge, skills and confidence of the staff being trained.

The participants Jane trains are supported to:

  • Discuss with each other and with Jane good publishing and editorial practice in the context of their work;

  • Ask questions and contribute to peer-to-peer learning;

  • Discuss issues that they may be facing;

  • Develop a peer network of support;

  • Understand their responsibilities for maintaining the integrity of the published record;

  • Develop skills to work effectively with authors and their institutions;

  • Identify meaningful outcomes to incorporate into their editorial practices, policies and processes.


Get in touch.

Let us help you to develop a bespoke training programme that will meet your staff’s needs.