UK Committtee on Research Integrity (UKCORI)
UKCORI annual statement on research integrity
UKCORI commissioned analysis of HEI statements (2023, Research Consulting)
ALLEA European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
Checklist for an open research action plan (UKRN)
Code of practice for research (UKRIO)
Concordat to support research integrity (UUK)
Dilemma game (Erasumus University)
Experimental Design Assistant (NC3Rs)
Improving research reproducibility and reliability (AMS)
Integrity in practice toolkit (UKRIO and the Royal Society)
Research ethics support and review for organisations (UKRIO and ARMA)
Research Integrity: A landscape study (Vitae, UKRIO and UKRN)
Resources on questionable research practices (UKRIO)
Defining the role of authors and contributors (ICMJE)
Discussion Document: Authorship (COPE, 2019)
Good practice in internet mediated research (UKRIO)
Good practice in research authorship (UKRIO)
How to handle authorship disputes: a guide for new researchers (COPE, 2003)
Montreal statement on research integrity in cross boundary research collaborations (2013)
Responsible, ethical and fair authorship: a video by Irene Hames for UKRIO
A primer on open code and software (UKRN)
Anonymisation code of practice (ICO)
ARRIVE Guidelines 2.0 for reporting animal research results (NC3R)
Common problems in reported Western blots and how to improve them (PLOS Biology)
Concordat on open research data
CONSORT guidelines for reporting clinical trials
Data sharing: an animated primer (UKRN)
GDPR: Resources and information
MERIDIAN: resources for reporting animal research results
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
PREPARE guidelines for reporting animal research results (NORECOPA)
Registry of research data repositories
COPE: Ethical guidelines for reviewers
EMBL-EBI training webinar: The future of preprint review
PLOS guidelines: How to Write a Peer Review
Prereview: Open reviewer reviewers guide
Prereview: Reviewer bias reflection guide
Sense About Science: The nuts and bolts of peer review
Taylor & Francis: Peer review checklists
Tips for good practice in peer review (the Royal Society)
Developing a narrative CV resources (University of Oxford)
Narrative CV report (University of Glasgow & Catalyst Editorial)
Resources for how to write a narrative CV (University of Glasgow and Catalyst Editorial)
Resume for Researchers (Royal Society)
ARMA research culture survey report
Culture, Employment and Development in Academic Research Survey (Vitae)
Concordat to support the career development of researchers
EDIS: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Science and Health
METIS: Why research culture matters to us
Science Europe Statement on Research Culture
The culture of scientific research in the UK (Nuffield Council of Bioethics (2014)
The European charter and code for researchers (European Commission)
UKRI Good research resource hub
Understanding unconscious bias (A video from the Royal Society)
What is research culture? (A video from the Royal Society)
What researchers think about the culture they work in (Wellcome report, 2020)
Creative Conversations for Responsible Innovation toolkit
European Commission Report on RRI
ISO26000 Social Responsibility
National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
NHRA guidance on public involvement in research
ORBiT RRI training & resources
RRI prompt and practice cards (TAS)
RRI video (Alan Turing Institute)
Trusted Autonomous Systems RRI resources
UKRI guidance responsible innovation
Wellcome Advancing Environmentally Sustainable Health Research report