Unconscious bias in peer review training: IOP Publishing
Catalyst Editorial Director, Dr Jane Alfred, has provided training to editorial staff at IOP Publishing on unconscious bias in peer review and, in partnership with ALPSP, on publication ethics.
The unconscious bias in peer review training that Janes provides aims to raise awareness among editorial staff of how and where in the editorial process unconscious bias can influence peer review and editorial outcomes. This training also supports and guides journal staff in their discussions of how to address these issues in their editorial policies, processes and practices.
“Jane conducted two half-day workshops on unconscious bias with our publishing staff, to help increase awareness of their own bias and others. Jane went the extra mile to understand how we operate as a company and the roles of the participants so that she could deliver completely tailored sessions for us. The delegates left the sessions with lists of ideas and actions to take forwards, both at an individual and product/company level. Jane presented fascinating research and we all felt much more informed as a result. I would highly recommend these sessions!”
– Kim Eggleton, Research Integrity and Inclusion Manager, IOP Publishing.